Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators

What are SARMs

The term SARMs stands for Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators. They are unique hormones which contain androgens. They are analogs of testosterone that have similar characteristics to anabolic agents, but with lowered androgenic strength. Unlike testosterone which is metabolized to dihydro-testosterone and estrogen SARMs does not produce the metabolites. The metabolites are linked to various adverse effects.


As the name suggests SARMs are selective to tissue androgen receptors. They are either taken orally or through injection. In the body they bind selectively to intracellular androgen receptors which are mainly located in bones and muscles.

On binding to the receptors they form a complex with the receptor, move to the nucleus where they cause changes on the DNA leading to protein synthesis. These makes them to have a ripple effect by triggering the androgen receptors to perform various functions.These are bone and muscle development, promotion of hair growth, prevention of cachexia and osteoporosis.


SARMs have increased affinity for bone and muscle receptors thus produce minimal undesirable side effects.

  • It can be taken orally.
  • When taken it avoids loss of bone density since they act on specific androgen receptors.
  • They are non traceable.
  • They are non toxic to the liver since they don’t produce dihydro-testosterone, a by-product of testosterone which leads to liver toxicity.
  • It has the same benefits as testosterone in that it increases strength, enables hair growth and it prevents muscle loss
  • It promotes fast wound healing and joint injury recovery.
  • SARMs expose the user to no risk of prostrate problems.


  • Muscle building- the hormonal therapy increases muscle weight and strength. they enhance loss of muscle fat and promote lean muscle mass.
  • Treatment of hypogonadism thus increasing sex drive.
  • Effective in treatment of osteopenia.
  • It is a strong enhancer of performance example in athletes.


The following are the most common SARMs available in the market.

  • Ostarine (MK-2866)
  • Ligandrol (LGD-4033)
  • LGD- 3303
  • Andarine (GSX-007)
  • Cardarine (GW-501 516)

Posted on October 5, 2017, in SARMs. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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